Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Custom Figure Started

I haven't done any comic book hunting in the last few days, (I do have a life you know...) but I have started working on my first custom action figure. It's a Ninja Turtle figure naturally, seeing as that's where my true passion is. I pulled the old colector's case full of beat up Turtle figures left over from my childhood out of the basement closet and while going through it I found that old Michelangelo who looked like he had been run over by a lawn mower. Either that or been chewed on by a shitty little dog. Feeling quite sorry for the guy I pulled out my sculpty and started fixing him up. Then I said, what the hell, let's make his a full out custome. I'll start pasting pictures of him in my next post, but so far he's coming along pretty good for my first time.

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