Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teenage Mutant Samurai Turtle: Step 1

So I've been working on my Ninja Turtle custom figure and I'm almost finished. Here's what I did...

First I found an old ninja turtle figure (Michelangelo) who had, as I mentioned in my last post, been damaged. I forgot to take a before picture to show what he looked like before I started working on him. Sorry... So the first step was to make him some new parts with sculpty. Fingers and toes to replace the ones that were missing. Samurai looking hair, since I wanted a Samurai Turtle instead of a Ninja Turtle... And sandals sculpted onto his feet. I also used it to fill in the groove around his waist where his belt went since I didn't intend to use a belt for this figure. I didn't bother sanding down any of the places where his mask, wrist bands, knee pads, ect. had been sliced and chipped because I wanted him to have sort of a weathered, ragged look and whatever had gotten a hold of him had already done the job for me.

The next step after this will be to harden the sculpty.

PS: I know the pictures look a little... what's the word... bad. I'm not a photographer and I was having difficulties with my camera the night I did this.

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