Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teenage Mutant Samurai Turtle: Step 2

So now that I have sculpted the new parts on my figure it's time to harden them. With sculpty you have to use heat to harden it and there are a few ways we can do this. The way you hear the most is to put it in the oven and bake it. But wait! Won't the figure melt if you put it in the oven? Umm... yeah... I've been told that you have to keep the oven somewhere between 150 degrees to 245 degrees. That way it will be hot enough to harden the sculpt but not melt the figure.

Screw that!

That's too hard, too much work, and too risky. I took the easy approach and boiled the figure. That's right, I just popped him in a pot of boiling water for five minutes and he was done.

Although as you can see in the picture, the paint on his shoulders, which were made of hard plastic instead of hardened rubber like the arms and legs, changed from green to white. I actually boiled the color right out. I think this was because I forgot to turn the heat off before putting the figure in the water. As I understand it, you need to bring the water to a boil then reduce heat and bring to a simmer before putting the figure in. I didn't do that. I just boiled him like a lobster... Oops.

But I was going to paint him anyways so it shouldn't make any difference.

PS: Again, bad picture. This was taken the same night as the other ones.

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