Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Teenage Mutant Samurai Turtle: Step 3

The last step was to sand down any parts that needed to be smoothed out and then paint the figure. I didn't sand down too much because as I said I wanted him to have a weathered, ragged look. For that same reason I used the cheap craft store acrylic paint instead of the good stuff you would use on plastic models. It gave him sort of a dusty, chalky look which was what I wanted. I wanted this guy to look like he had been walking cross country for the last few months, not like he had just come off the shelf at ToysR'Us.

All in all I'm very happy with how he came out for the first custom figure I've made in five years... the first I've ever made that involved sculpting... Look at him there hanging out with my favorite turtle girl, Venus.

Now All I have to do is find him a good sword and make a kimono for him to wear. I'll put up another picture when I do.

For my next custom Ninja Turtle figure I'm planning to do the were-rat version of Irma from season 4 of the classic cartoon. I already have parts in the mail and I'll talk about it more when I get started on it.

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